Sunday, January 2, 2011

How to uninstall and remove your WebSphere MQ on Linux

Today I wanted to un-install WebSphere MQ on Fedora 6. I had installed MQ yesterday and I wanted to remove it. This article is a log of the process I followed.

I logged into my Fedora 6 box as root

Remove install RPMs

I used root@websphere mwinstall]# rpm -ivh IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0.i386.rpm to install, so I queried to find out what the software name of the rpm was as you cannot use the rpm filename that you used to install the rpm.

[root@websphere mq]# rpm -qa | grep IBM

rpm -e IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0

This worked however for the other rpm;s I had to remove the fix-packs first

Remove fix pack rpm's

I used rpm -ivh IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0.i386.rpm to apply fix pack
So I used rpm -e IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0

install: rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm
remove: rpm -e MQSeriesRuntime-U809950-6.0.2-2

install: rpm -ivh MQSeriesServer-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm
remove: rpm -e MQSeriesServer-U809950-6.0.2-2

install: rpm -ivh MQSeriesJava-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm
remove: rpm -e MQSeriesJava-U809950-6.0.2-2

Remove base rpm's

I had to do in this order

rpm -e MQSeriesJava-6.0.0-0

rpm -e MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0

rpm -e MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0

Query to make sure they have all been removed

rpm -qa | grep MQSeries

Remove MQ directories


How to install MQSeries on Linux.

Today I wanted to install WebSphere MQ on Fedora 6. This article is a log of the process I followed.

I used winscp to copy C8472ML.tar to a new folder called /apps/mq/mqinstall

I then used Putty to log into my Liunx box as root.

I then used gzip to decompress the file

gzip -fd *

Then I used tar -xvf ./C8472ML.tar to extract the tar file

This is a listing of the resulting decompress:

ls -ltr

total 782352
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 7877738 May 19 2005 MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 229101 May 19 2005 MQSeriesSDK-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 1307081 May 19 2005 MQSeriesSamples-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 963879 May 19 2005 MQSeriesClient-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 3681759 May 19 2005 MQSeriesJava-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 128491 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMsg_es-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 136622 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMsg_de-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 128327 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMsg_it-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 130044 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMsg_fr-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 127411 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMsg_pt-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 116664 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMsg_ko-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 122076 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMsg_ja-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 116214 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMsg_Zh_TW-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 111975 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMsg_Zh_CN-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 5089089 May 19 2005 MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 21376 May 19 2005 MQSeriesTXClient-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 130189 May 19 2005 MQSeriesMan-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 719764 May 19 2005 MQSeriesFTA-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 163979050 May 19 2005 MQSeriesIES30-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 84765428 May 19 2005 MQSeriesConfig-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root 12201 37483080 May 19 2005 MQSeriesKeyMan-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
-r--r--r-- 1 root 12201 3988581 May 19 2005 gsk7bas-7.0-3.15.i386.rpm
-r--r--r-- 1 root 12201 56517147 May 19 2005 IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0.i386.rpm
drwxrwxr-x 3 root 12201 4096 May 19 2005 PreReqs
drwxrwxr-x 14 root 12201 4096 May 19 2005 READMEs
-r--r--r-- 1 root 12201 261 May 19 2005 copyright
drwxrwxr-x 4 root 12201 4096 May 19 2005 lap
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root 12201 4770 May 19 2005
drwxrwxr-x 2 root 12201 4096 May 19 2005 licenses
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root 12201 35314 May 23 2005 readadd.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 432261120 Nov 30 17:27 C8472ML.tar

Before installing WebSphere MQ, you must execute ./ to read and accept the license.

install RPMs

root@websphere mwinstall]# rpm -ivh IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0.i386.rpm

root@websphere mwinstall]# rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm

root@websphere mwinstall]# rpm -ivh MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm

root@websphere mwinstall]# rpm -ivh MQSeriesJava-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm

A new user and group has been created

cat /etc/passwd


cat /etc/group


The installs have created two directories:



My Configuration of WebSphere MQ consisted of following steps:

Creating a queue manager.
Starting my queue manager.
Creating queues and channels.
Starting the command server, listener, and channels

First I will create the Queue Manager on node 01 the hostname will be wmqnode01 the Queue Manager will be called wmqnode01qm

Here is a sample of my hosts file:

[root@websphere mwinstall]# cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost websphere wmqnode01 websphere2 wmqnode02

Switch to wmq user:

su - mqm

I then tired to create the queue manager:

crtmqm wmqnode01qm

AMQ8101: WebSphere MQ error (893) has occurred.

I then looked into /var/mqm/errors to see if I could see what the problem was? but it was not very helpful.

Then tried to ensure I knew what version of WebSphere MQ was installed. I typed: mqve ..

[mqm@websphere bin]$ mqver
mqver has been replaced by the dspmqver command.
See the WebSphere MQ System Administration documentation for details.

I then typed: dspmqver ..

[mqm@websphere bin]$ dspmqver

Name: WebSphere MQ
CMVC level: p000-L050519
BuildType: IKAP - (Production)

I then decided to download the fix pack s form IBM, I am running on an unsupported OS, so I think maybe this will help me get a bit further?

WebSphere 6.0 MQ Fixpacks

I downloaded: WebSphere MQ V6.0 Fix Pack

WebSphere MQ V6 Linux on x86 platform Fix Pack
6.0.2-WS-MQ-LinuxIA32-FP0002.tar.gz (363MB)

I had to login with my IBM username and password and was redirected to:

Even though I have 8MB broadband connection It took a while (3 hours) to download the files, so I left the IBM download manager running over night and went off to watch Blood Diamond DVD I got for Christmas.

I unzipped the downloaded updates

gzip -df 6.0.2-WS-MQ-LinuxIA32-FP0002.tar.gz


tar -xvf 6.0.2-WS-MQ-LinuxIA32-FP0002.tar

rpm -ivh IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0.i386.rpm


file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/javaws/resources/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/TraceFormat.dat from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/charsets.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/core.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ext/dumpfmt.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ext/gskikm.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ext/ibmjcefips.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ext/ibmjceprovider.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ext/ibmjsseprovider2.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ext/ibmpkcs11impl.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ext/indicim.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ext/ldapsec.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ext/oldcertpath.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/graphics.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ibmcertpathprovider.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ibmjaaslm.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ibmjcefw.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ibmjgssprovider.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ibmjsseprovider.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ibmorb.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ibmorbapi.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ibmpkcs.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/images/cursors/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/javaplugin.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/security.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/security/cacerts from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/security/java.policy from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/security/ from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/server.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/jre/lib/xml.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/lib/dt.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/lib/htmlconverter.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/lib/ir.idl from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/lib/orb.idl from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/lib/tools.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0
file /opt/IBMJava2-142/src.jar from install of IBMJava2-142-ia32-SDK-1.4.2-6.0 conflicts with file from package IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.0

rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm

rpm -ivh MQSeriesServer-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm

rpm -ivh MQSeriesJava-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm

i then tried to run the create queue command again, forgot to su - mqm

[root@websphere mwinstall]# crtmqm wmqnode01qm
AMQ7077: You are not authorized to perform the requested operation.

su - mqm

[mqm@websphere ~]$ crtmqm wmqnode01qm
AMQ7019: An error occurred while creating or checking the directory structure
for the queue manager.

In talking to my colleagues at work this error sounds like a permission's problem. What I will do is install all the rpm's then try creating a quue manager again. Failing that I will try on Redhat.

You can refer to my document on how I un-installed WebSphere MQ.


Day 2:

What I did was look at the WebSphere MQ Infocentre to see if there were any settings I could tweak and see what IBM had to say as I found the article on developer works did not really help me. I often find that articles on developer works often do not work due to little details being missed out. Especially development articles on WebSphere where article writers use local WebSphere Application servers and not WebSphere ND designs which is what most of us use in the enterprise world.

Mean while back at the ranch...

Creating the user ID and group
Create the required user ID and group ID before you install WebSphere® MQ. Both user ID and group ID must be set to mqm.

After creating user and groups then you can install.

To check groups log in as mqm from root i.g. su -mqm and type groups you should see mqm listed as a group.

It is also suggested that you set the mqm user's home directory to /var/mqm.

cat /etc/passwd = mqm:x:502:503::/var/mqm:/bin/bash
cat /etc/group = mqm:x:503:

Kernel Settings

cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax


too low so:

To change the maximum size of a shared memory segment to 256 MB enter:
echo 268435456 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

I edited the /etc/sysctl.conf file to persist my changes

#Steve Robinson - Added Kernel Parameters for WebSphere MQ 28-jan-2008
kernel.shmmax = 268435456

cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem
250 32000 32 128

Order: semmsl, semmns, semopm, semni
For WebSphere MQ:
the SEMMSL value must be 128 or greater
the SEMOPM value must be 5 or greater
the SEMMNS value must be 16384 or greater
the SEMMNI value must be 1024 or greater

I edited the /etc/sysctl.conf file to persist my changes
#Steve Robinson - Added Kernel Parameters for WebSphere MQ 28-jan-2008
#Order: semmsl, semmns, semopm, semni
kernel.sem = 250 32000 32 1024

cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max


Run the script. If you want to view a text-only version of the license, which can be read by a screen-reader, type:
./ -text_onlyThe license is displayed.

If want to accept the license without it being displayed, you can run the script with the -accept option.
./ -accept

You must accept the license agreement before you can proceed with the installation.

Use the rpm -ivh command to install each component that you require. This example shows a minimum installation:
rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm

If you do not accept the license agreement you will get an error similar to ...

rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
ERROR: Product cannot be installed until the license
agreement has been accepted.
Run the 'mqlicense' script, which is in the root
directory of the install media, or see the
Quick Beginnings book for more information.
error: %pre(MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0
ERROR: Product cannot be installed until the license
agreement has been accepted.
Run the 'mqlicense' script, which is in the root
directory of the install media, or see the
Quick Beginnings book for more information.
error: %pre(MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0

./ -accept

rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm

WebSphere MQ ComponentsWhen you install WebSphere® MQ for Linux®, you can choose which components to install.
Table 1. WebSphere MQ components and packages
ComponentDescriptionPackageServerClient (with SSL)
RuntimeMandatory component. Needed for application development and provides support for external applications.MQSeriesRuntimeXX
SDKRequired for compiling applications.MQSeriesSDKXX
ServerThe server feature allows you to run queue managers on your computer and connect to other computers over a network. Provides messaging and queuing services to applications, and support for WebSphere MQ client connections.MQSeriesServerX 
ClientThe WebSphere MQ client is a small subset of WebSphere MQ, without a queue manager. Provides remote access to WebSphere MQ. Must be connected to a server. To install a client on the same machine as a server, use the Server CD-ROM; otherwise use the Clients CD-ROM.MQSeriesClientXX
Sample programsSample application programs. Needed if you want to check your WebSphere MQ installation using the verification procedures described in Verifying the installation using the JMS Postcard application.MQSeriesSamplesXX
Java™ messagingThe files needed for messaging using Java (includes Java Messaging Service).MQSeriesJavaXX
SSL supportSupport for SSL key managementMQSeriesKeymanXX
Brazilian Portuguese Message catalogsBrazilian Portuguese message catalogsMQSeriesMsg_ptXX
French Message catalogsFrench message catalogsMQSeriesMsg_frXX
German Message catalogsGerman message catalogsMQSeriesMsg_de XX
Italian Message catalogsItalian message catalogsMQSeriesMsg_itXX
Japanese Message catalogsJapanese message catalogsMQSeriesMsg_jaXX
Korean Message catalogsKorean message catalogsMQSeriesMsg_koXX
Spanish Message catalogsSpanish message catalogsMQSeriesMsg_esXX
Simplified Chinese Message catalogsSimplified Chinese message catalogsMQSeriesMsg_Zh_CNXX
Traditional Chinese Message catalogsTraditional Chinese message catalogsMQSeriesMsg_Zh_TWXX
Man pagesUNIX® man pages, in U.S. English, for the following:
    • Control commands
    • Message Queue Interface (MQI) commands
    • MQSC commands
Extended Transactional ClientWebSphere MQ component that allows a client application, within the same unit of work:
    • To put messages to, and get messages from, queues that are owned by the queue manager to which it is connected.
    • To update the resources of a resource manager other than a WebSphere MQ queue manager.
WebSphere MQ Explorer (x86 platform only)The WebSphere MQ Explorer allows you to administer and monitor WebSphere MQ resources.MQSeriesConfigX 
WebSphere Eclipse Platform (x86 platform only)The WebSphere Eclipse Platform is a prerequisite for the WebSphere MQ Explorer and WebSphere MQ File Transfer Application components.MQSeriesIES30X 
WebSphere MQ File Transfer Application (x86 platform only)The File Transfer Application allows you to send and receive ordinary files in the form of WebSphere MQ messages. You can use the File Transfer Application to send and receive any type of file in any format, for example: ASCII Linux format (with line feed characters), ASCII file Windows® format (with carriage return/line feed characters), binary (for example, image files, wordprocessor files, spreadsheet files, or zip files), also reports, letters, memos and charts. The File Transfer Application has both a graphical user interface and a command line interface.MQSeriesFTAXX
Table 2. Other products supplied with WebSphere MQ
IBM® Global Security Kit V7Certificate and SSL Base Runtime - 32 bitgsk7basXX
IBM Global Security Kit V7 (POWER platform only)Certificate and SSL Base Runtime - 64 bit. Currently available only on WebSphere MQ for Linux, Version 6.0 (POWER™ platform).gsk7bas64XX
IBM Java SDK (32-bit)IBM 32-bit SDK for Linux on Intel® architecture, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4.2 (for WebSphere MQ for Linux, Version 6.0 (x86 platform)).IBM 32-bit Software Developer's Kit (SDK) for Linux for iSeries™ and pSeries®, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4 (for WebSphere MQ for Linux, Version 6.0 (POWER platform)).IBM 31-bit SDK for Linux on zSeries®, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4 (for WebSphere MQ for Linux, Version 6.0 (zSeries platform)).IBMJava2-SDKXX
IBM Java SDK (64-bit) (POWER platform only)IBM 64-bit Software Developer's Kit (SDK) for Linux for iSeries and pSeries, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4IBMJava2-SDK-ppc64XX

Verify installation:

Setting up the installation
To verify your installation you must first perform this task. From a shell window, use these steps to create a queue manager and a queue:
Log in as a user in the mqm group

Create a default queue manager called venus.queue.manager by entering the following command:

crtmqm -q venus.queue.manager. You will see messages telling you that the queue manager has been created, and that the default WebSphere® MQ objects have been created.

AMQ7019 An error occurred while creating the directory structure for the new queue manager.

Explanation: During creation of the queue manager an error occurred while trying to create a file or directory.
User Response: Identify why the queue manager files cannot be created. It is probable that there is insufficient space on the specified disk, or that there is a problem with access control. Correct the problem and submit the command again.

I found this error in my MQ errors page which is a copy of

I checked the disk space by typing the command:

df -k

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
7459216 7169256 0 100% /

Guess what I feel so ashamed, I forgot that my VMWare image was nearly full due to my WebSphere 6.1 installation. Doh. I feel like an amateur. When I installed MQ

I then did a purge, in fact I removed my rpms and re-installed again to ensure that there was no corruption due to now enough disk space for my WebSphere MQ install. Oh well I'll blame that one on the fact I went off for dinner and did not read my screen before continuing. Good lesson to learn never assume anything, always audit installations. "Assumption is the Mother of all fuck-ups!"

rpm -e MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0 MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0
error: can't create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/__db.000

I then, realised once again I was logged in as mqm, so I loggout back to root, then de-installed the rpm's

[root@websphere mqinstall]# rm /var/mqm -R
rm: descend into directory `/var/mqm'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/trace'? y
rm: descend into directory `/var/mqm/conv'? y
rm: descend into directory `/var/mqm/conv/table'? y
rm: remove regular file `/var/mqm/conv/table/ccsid.tbl'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/conv/table'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/conv'? y
rm: descend into directory `/var/mqm/qmgrs'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/qmgrs'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/tivoli'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/log'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/config'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/exits'? y
rm: remove regular file `/var/mqm/mqs.ini'? y
rm: descend into directory `/var/mqm/errors'? y
rm: remove regular empty file `/var/mqm/errors/AMQERR02.LOG'? y
rm: remove regular empty file `/var/mqm/errors/AMQ19505.0.FDC'? y
rm: remove regular empty file `/var/mqm/errors/AMQERR03.LOG'? y
rm: remove regular empty file `/var/mqm/errors/AMQERR01.LOG'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/errors'? y
rm: remove regular empty file `/var/mqm/.bash_history'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm/exits64'? y
rm: remove regular file `/var/mqm/service.env'? y
rm: remove directory `/var/mqm'? y

I did not have to remove the /opt/mqm as I was correct it had not installed correctly due to not enough diskspace.

Try install for the third time!

rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm MQSeriesServer-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm

Create a default queue manager called venus.queue.manager by entering the following command:

crtmqm -q venus.queue.manager. You will see messages telling you that the queue manager has been created, and that the default WebSphere® MQ objects have been created.

AMQ8101: WebSphere MQ error (893) has occurred.


01/28/2008 09:29:29 PM - Process(20158.1) User(mqm) Program(crtmqm)
AMQ6090: WebSphere MQ was unable to display an error message 16.

MQ has attempted to display the message associated with return code hexadecimal
'16'. The return code indicates that there is no message text associated with
the message. Associated with the request are inserts 0 : 0 : : : .
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved.
01/28/2008 09:29:29 PM - Process(20158.1) User(mqm) Program(crtmqm)
AMQ6183: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred.

An error has been detected, and the WebSphere MQ error recording routine has
been called. The failing process is process 20158.
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved.
----- amqxfdcx.c : 816 --------------------------------------------------------
01/28/2008 09:32:10 PM - Process(20168.1) User(mqm) Program(crtmqm)
AMQ6090: WebSphere MQ was unable to display an error message 16.

MQ has attempted to display the message associated with return code hexadecimal
'16'. The return code indicates that there is no message text associated with
the message. Associated with the request are inserts 0 : 0 : : : .
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved.
01/28/2008 09:32:10 PM - Process(20168.1) User(mqm) Program(crtmqm)
AMQ6183: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred.

An error has been detected, and the WebSphere MQ error recording routine has
been called. The failing process is process 20168.
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved.
----- amqxfdcx.c : 816 --------------------------------------------------------
01/28/2008 09:32:29 PM - Process(20177.1) User(mqm) Program(crtmqm)
AMQ6090: WebSphere MQ was unable to display an error message 16.

MQ has attempted to display the message associated with return code hexadecimal
'16'. The return code indicates that there is no message text associated with
the message. Associated with the request are inserts 0 : 0 : : : .
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved.
01/28/2008 09:32:29 PM - Process(20177.1) User(mqm) Program(crtmqm)
AMQ6183: An internal WebSphere MQ error has occurred.

An error has been detected, and the WebSphere MQ error recording routine has
been called. The failing process is process 20177.
Use the standard facilities supplied with your system to record the problem
identifier, and to save the generated output files. Contact your IBM support
center. Do not discard these files until the problem has been resolved.
----- amqxfdcx.c : 816 --------------------------------------------------------

I then looked into the /etc/nsswitch.conf

# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# An example Name Service Switch config file. This file should be
# sorted with the most-used services at the beginning.
# The entry '[NOTFOUND=return]' means that the search for an
# entry should stop if the search in the previous entry turned
# up nothing. Note that if the search failed due to some other reason
# (like no NIS server responding) then the search continues with the
# next entry.
# Legal entries are:
# nisplus or nis+ Use NIS+ (NIS version 3)
# nis or yp Use NIS (NIS version 2), also called YP
# dns Use DNS (Domain Name Service)
# files Use the local files
# db Use the local database (.db) files
# compat Use NIS on compat mode
# hesiod Use Hesiod for user lookups
# [NOTFOUND=return] Stop searching if not found so far

#passwd: files
passwd: files nisplus
#group: files
group: files nisplus

I restarted my Linux box.

To state the obviuous, which I knew before I began

Operating System, WebSphere MQ for Linux, Version 6.0 (x86 platform)
WebSphere MQ for Linux, Version 6.0 (x86 platform) has been tested with the following distributions:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux V3.0 plus Update 2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux V4.0
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) V8 plus Service Pack 3
Note: The MQ Explorer graphical interface is not supported on this operating system.
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) V9

I have come to an impasse with Fedora, it look like I will have to try RHEL4 after all. The bright side its that I learned a lot about WebSphere MQ installation and Linux from the experience over two nights of tinkering.


The lines below have not been tried due to my coming to end of my trial of Fedora 6 and WebSphere MQ. Maybe someone will want to continue on from here?


Update: After thinking for moment I forgot I had not tries the latest fix packs. As mentioned above I had already tried this previously, however I did a minimal install the third time, but did not do a minimal Fix pPack update for runtime ans server.

I ran:

rpm -ivh MQSeriesRuntime-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm MQSeriesServer-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm

and I was then able to create a Queue Manager

crtmqm -q venus.queue.manager

Worked fine:

WebSphere MQ queue manager created.
Creating or replacing default objects for venus.queue.manager.
Default objects statistics : 40 created. 0 replaced. 0 failed.
Completing setup.
Setup completed.

Wicked I have my first Queue Manager running in Fedora 6.


To start the queue manager, type:


A message tells you when the queue manager has started.

Enable MQSC commands by typing:


A message tells you that an MQSC session has started. MQSC has no command prompt.

-bash-3.1$ runmqsc
5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Starting MQSC for queue manager venus.queue.manager.

Define a local queue called ORANGE.QUEUE by entering the following command:

define qlocal (orange.queue)

define qlocal (orange.queue)
2 : define qlocal (orange.queue)
AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created.

A message tells you when the queue has been created.

Stop MQSC by typing:


2 : end
1 MQSC commands read.
All valid MQSC commands were processed.

You will see some messages, followed by the command prompt.
You have now defined:

A default queue manager called venus.queue.manager
A queue called ORANGE.QUEUE


Next: How to stop a queue manager....

    This is my first example of a walk through of what samples are installed with WebSphere MQ? In my previous article "How to install WebSphere MQ version 6 on Linux Fedora 6" I showed how to install the MQ runtime and server RPM packages. Now I want to install the MQ Samples RPM so I can learn more about MQ, using the IBM samples that come with WebSphere MQ. Installing Samples: I logged in as root [root@websphere mqinstall]# rpm -ivh MQSeriesSamples-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: MQSeriesSamples >= 6.0.0 is needed by MQSeriesSamples-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386 I forgot I have the fix-packs, so I need to install the base version first. base install .. [root@websphere mqinstall]# rpm -ivh MQSeriesSamples-6.0.0-0.i386.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:MQSeriesSamples ########################################### [100%] installed fix pack .. [root@websphere mqinstall]# rpm -ivh MQSeriesSamples-U809950-6.0.2-2.i386.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:MQSeriesSamples-U809950########################################### [100%] OK, samples were now installed in /opt/mqm/samp WebSphere MQ Samples folder after Linux install I often use WinSCP to browse my UNIX/Linux systems as it saves a lot of time as opposed to just using putty. The screen capture above is from WinSCP. I went to look at the Websphere MQ infocentre (see link below) to see if I could find a tutorial guide. It seems that you have to install MQ on Windows to get the guide? I installed WebSphere MQ for windows and realised I probably only needed to install the WebSphere MQ explorer. I am now able to navigate to the Getting Started guide. Getting started with WebSphere MQ I am bout to use one of the samples as described in the getting started help guide: A Local Queue is a machine on the machine where the Queue is located. The Queue Manager only deals with messages on Local Queues. WebSphere MQ Getting started: Sending a message to a local queue Sending a message to a local queueA visual summary of what you will
achieve in this tutorial. For more information, see the first page of 
tutorial.This tutorial shows you how to set up a queue manager, QM_APPLE, and a queue, Q1, on a local, standalone installation that has no communication links with any other installations of WebSphere MQ. When you have set up these objects, you will put a test message onto the queue using the supplied program, amqsput, and verify that the test message was received using another program, amqsget. When you have completed this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of how WebSphere® MQ messaging works in a simple messaging topology that has a queue manager with local queues. 1. Creating the queue manager Creating the queue manager using MQSC: Open a command prompt, and follow these steps: Create a default queue manager called QM_APPLE by typing the command: crtmqm -q QM_APPLEMessages tell you that the queue has been created and that the default WebSphere MQ objects have been created. Start this queue manager by typing the command: -bash-3.1$ crtmqm -q QM_APPLEMessage WebSphere MQ queue manager created. Creating or replacing default objects for QM_APPLEMessage. Default objects statistics : 40 created. 0 replaced. 0 failed. Completing setup. Setup completed. strmqm -bash-3.1$ strmqm QM_APPLEMessage WebSphere MQ queue manager 'QM_APPLEMessage' starting. 5 log records accessed on queue manager 'QM_APPLEMessage' during the log replay phase. Log replay for queue manager 'QM_APPLEMessage' complete. Transaction manager state recovered for queue manager 'QM_APPLEMessage'. WebSphere MQ queue manager 'QM_APPLEMessage' started. A message tells you when the queue manager has started. You have now created a queue manager with the name QM_APPLE. The next task is to create a local queue that this queue manager will manage. 2. Creating the local queue Creating the local queue using MQSC Open a command prompt and follow these steps: Enable MQSC commands by typing the command: runmqsc Type the following command: define qlocal (Q1) Messages tell you that the queue has been created and that the default WebSphere MQ objects have been created. Stop MQSC by typing the command: end runmqsc 5724-H72 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Starting MQSC for queue manager QM_APPLEMessage. define qlocal (Q1) 1 : define qlocal (Q1) AMQ8006: WebSphere MQ queue created. end 2 : end One MQSC command read. No commands have a syntax error. All valid MQSC commands were processed. You have now created a local queue called Q1. The next task is to put a test message to this newly created local queue. 3. Putting a test message on the local queue Putting a test message on the queue using MQSC The amqsput sample program is used to put a message on the queue that you created. (On Windows the sample programs are installed by default with WebSphere MQ Server or Client. On Linux, the samples programs RPM need to be installed.) Open a command prompt and follow these steps: Start the amqsput sample program as follows: On Linux, change to the /opt/mqm/samp/bin directory and type the command: ./amqsput Q1 On Windows, type the command: amqsput Q1 The following messages are displayed: Sample amqsput0 start target queue is Q1 Type some message text on one or more lines, then press Enter twice. The following message is displayed: Sample amqsput0 end -bash-3.1$ ./amqsput Q1 Sample AMQSPUT0 start target queue is Q1 This is my first message! Sample AMQSPUT0 end You have now created a test message and put it onto the local queue. The next task is to verify that the test message was received. 4. Verifying that the test message was sent Verifying that the test message was sent using MQSC The amqsget sample program is used to get the message back from the queue. Open a command prompt and follow these steps: Start the amqsget sample program: On Windows, type the following command:amqsget Q1 On Linux, change to the /opt/mqm/samp/bin directory and type the following command: ./amqsget Q1 The sample program starts, and your message is displayed along with any other messages on this queue. After a pause of 15 seconds, the sample ends and the command prompt is displayed again. -bash-3.1$ ./amqsget Q1 Sample AMQSGET0 start message <This is my first message!> no more messages Sample AMQSGET0 end Congratulations! You have now completed this tutorial. So is summary I installed WebSphere MQ for Windows so I could get access to the "Getting started guide" to give an an idea of how to use the samples I had installed on my Linux box. References: WebSphere MQ infocentre @ IBM Getting started guide of the Windows WebSphere MQ install.